Posted by Totems Stuttgart

  • Corporate Atmosphere

    10.06.2014 |

    For the third time, MADEby assembled leading designers to an informal summit meeting, this time in the souks of Marrakesch. The objective: To find answers to the many pressing questions regarding retail-design.

    After days of exciting talks, vivid discussions and great social bonding, the group identified a few key theses on the future of store design. Florian Gerlach was one of the guests. He returned with a bunch of new insights.

    One of the claims Florian put forth was that atmosphere trumps design. Read his statement:

    "How the retail business is evolving in the future depends to a large extend on the products. You don't have to read a text in a book, but a liter of milk will never be available digitally. When looking to buy a dress, sizes like S, M, L and XL are not always the best reference. A good mirror and appropriate lighting, however, are crucial. The main question of the future is: Why should I even visit a retail store? What is the added value for me? Only once I felt completely home in a store. Somebody had identified my needs and desires spot-on. As if the right products were hand-picked from a seemingly infinite assortment and deliciously arranged just for me. A feast for my eyes. 'One shop for me'.

    Surprise, inspiration, the story – these are essential ingredients for a grand shopping experience. That's why people make shopping trips to far-away destinations. Unfortunately, many brands are stuck with a consistent application of corporate design guidelines, not acknowledging the fact, that this static practice actually takes away inspiration and makes exciting places interchangeable. Corporate atmosphere is the future. And interior architecture will have the objective to make brand communication come to live. Credible and addressing the senses. For the simple reason that the quality of the stay matters!"

    More information on the summit as well as statements of all participants can be read at (German)